骑士的公园 剑桥


"在真实的体验中, “回家”, 一所房子, 一个村庄, or a region… is a central point of existence and individual identity from which you look out on the rest of the world.” ——爱德华·莱尔夫

This masterplan and housing project for the 剑桥大学 integrates 剑桥’s historic urban traditions with an ecology-friendly public realm, 景观和240个居住和工作的住宅. Representing the UK’s first 网-zero carbon urban extension it is an exemplar of sustainable architecture and urban design. Alison Brooks彩票365官方网站事务所 collaborated with PTE Architects on the masterplan to create a conceptual framework within which we each developed specific housing typologies. 灵感来自剑桥密集的城市模式, a domestic vernacular of burgages and courtyard housing from the medieval period, this collaborative approach ensured our neighbourhood design would emerge with a diverse, yet coherent assemblage of architectural languages. 总体规划带来了感官上的愉悦, 生物多样性, 健康生活, 非正式的玩, and food growing in and around the new homes and on every street.

ABA的公寓, 一排连接起来的房子, semi-detached houses and villas typologies all embed street-facing home-working spaces and roof terraces to create the conditions for a socially and economically active neighbourhood. Our three set-piece ‘Palazzo’ apartment buildings act as the neighbourhood’s front door, 建造一座纪念碑, 400岁的老橡树. We see the Palazzo as a relevant urban typology for today, a multi-family building that operates as workplace and a civic marker. This type re-thinks the urban perimeter block that typically creates an ‘urban wall’ condition and overshadowing. Our organically planned Palazzos are standalone multi-faceted buildings that enable public space, light and pedestrian passages to flow between and around them. These passages connect the neighbourhood to the town centre both visually and physically and to the masterplan’s spine; a car-free pedestrian Green Street, a continuous ecology-friendly landscaped corridor. The Green Street anchors a legible block and street grid, 彩票365在南北和大街上传播, 东/西. Each street offers building typologies of varying scale, proportion and residential character.

Our three Veteran Oak Apartments are landmark buildings that create a strong but permeable formal edge to the neighbourhood, 受到文艺复兴时期宫殿类型学的启发, and positioned to frame an inviting new pedestrian route to the Green Street beyond. The three buildings’ fan-like plan geometry embraces the adjacent veteran oak tree, enables all apartments to have dual or triple aspect and natural ventilation. This coherent grouping of subtly faceted building geometries is further strengthened by projecting cornices. The cornice celebrates the moment where the sky meets architecture, 在护墙线上, creating three distinctive silhouettes and clearly defining the pedestrian routes between the buildings. Frontages are articulated with double-height entrances. String courses in precast concrete define each floor, so that staggered façade openings for full-height windows and recessed balconies create a dynamic façade pattern. 宫殿活了起来! 本着圣. John’s College Bridge of Sighs, an inhabited bridge connects two of the palazzos. This surprising two-storey link between buildings is both a public passage and shelters the two buildings’ entrances. An enigmatic veil of stainless steel rods supports the bridge’s cantilevered balconies, clearly expressing the idea of suspension while creating privacy for apartments behind.

ABA’s houses are formed with robust buff brick detailing, generous window proportions and sheltering entrance porticos expressing the domestic threshold. We believe that thresholds and the roof form are the most significant elements of architectural identity in housing. Each offers expressive possibility to celebrate building craft. 现在是ABA的商标, our mansard roofs and flared dormers at 骑士的公园 echo the studio windows of Arts and Crafts houses. Dormers animate the roofline of our houses and increase habitable space. Ground floor studies allowing for home working so small independent businesses can present active frontages to the street. Metal clad elements such as bay windows project into gardens and streetscapes; window patterns on gable walls; all are critical elements bringing human scale and material variety to the everyday experience.

剑桥大学 , 希尔集团
18,500 m²
37,000 m²
142 / 240
65 d /公顷
  • 彩票365官方网站奖,住宅设计奖
  • WhatHouse? 奖项-最佳家庭
  • WhatHouse? 奖项-最佳外观设计
  • 标准晚报-生态生活奖
  • 什么房子? 最佳可持续发展奖-金奖
  • 什么房子? 奖项-最佳房屋-银奖
  • 什么房子? 奖项-最佳发展-银奖
  • British Homes 奖 – Sustainable Development of the 一年
  • Housing Design 奖 – Inaugural Building With Nature Award
  • Evening Standard 奖 — Development of Outstanding Architectural Merit
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